MSI Error Cod 80004005 - Error ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallState
(too old to reply)
Eric Hela
2008-03-17 06:42:52 UTC
I copied the following script into my computer based group policy and got
the error below. Can anyone explain why and how to fix it? I am trying to
use computer based GP to uninstall all Autocad software on all computers at
computer start. This script works well at command prompt but does gives
this error when I put it into the GP and test it. I am a newbie with
scripting side of thngs and don't understand whats going on.

Here is the script.

Const msiUILevelNone = 2
Const myProductCode = "{91E05F90-168E-43C0-BB48-39CD0F3F2678}"
Const msiInstallStateAbsent = 2
Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
With objInstaller
.UILevel = msiUILevelNone
.ConfigureProduct myProductCode , 0 , msiInstallStateAbsent
End With
Set objInstaller = Nothing

Following is the Error from the above script:
Line: 7
Char: 3

Error: ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallState
Code: 80004005
Source:MSI API error
Thanks heaps for your help

2010-02-05 19:18:42 UTC
One of the leading causes of 80004005 error is permissions based, which reading your message seems likely to be the case here.

When you run it at command prompt it's running with your administrative credentials, so you would need to ensure a similar level of access for the script when it is being run through the group policies.

This topic is almost two years old I just noticed, hope you solved this issue.

Eric Hela wrote:

MSI Error Cod 80004005 - Error ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallState

I copied the following script into my computer based group policy and got
the error below. Can anyone explain why and how to fix it? I am trying to
use computer based GP to uninstall all Autocad software on all computers at
computer start. This script works well at command prompt but does gives
this error when I put it into the GP and test it. I am a newbie with
scripting side of thngs and don't understand whats going on

Here is the script

Const msiUILevelNone =
Const myProductCode = "{91E05F90-168E-43C0-BB48-39CD0F3F2678}
Const msiInstallStateAbsent =
Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer"
With objInstalle
.UILevel = msiUILevelNon
.ConfigureProduct myProductCode , 0 , msiInstallStateAbsen
End Wit
Set objInstaller = Nothin

Following is the Error from the above script

Error: ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallStat
Code: 8000400
Source:MSI API erro
Thanks heaps for your hel


Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Monday, March 17, 2008 2:42 AM
Eric Hela wrote:

MSI Error Cod 80004005 - Error ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallState
I copied the following script into my computer based group policy and got
the error below. Can anyone explain why and how to fix it? I am trying to
use computer based GP to uninstall all Autocad software on all computers at
computer start. This script works well at command prompt but does gives
this error when I put it into the GP and test it. I am a newbie with
scripting side of thngs and don't understand whats going on

Here is the script

Const msiUILevelNone =
Const myProductCode = "{91E05F90-168E-43C0-BB48-39CD0F3F2678}
Const msiInstallStateAbsent =
Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer"
With objInstalle
.UILevel = msiUILevelNon
.ConfigureProduct myProductCode , 0 , msiInstallStateAbsen
End Wit
Set objInstaller = Nothin

Following is the Error from the above script

Error: ConfigureProduct,Product,InstallLevel,InstallStat
Code: 8000400
Source:MSI API erro
Thanks heaps for your hel


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