DSQUERY I am confused
(too old to reply)
halfscot halfscot
2010-08-31 20:19:37 UTC
I have inherited some tasks from a former employee and have never done anyth admin work as far as scripting goes.

here is what I need help with I have a spread sheet with a list of emails what I need is a dsquery or power shell that will pull
the following and put in the spread sheet.

Email Addr.
Full Name

can this be done ?

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Composite UI Pattern and RAD Development for Data Entry Applications, Part 1
David H. Lipman
2010-08-31 23:02:30 UTC
From: "halfscot halfscot" <***@mail.com>

| I have inherited some tasks from a former employee and have never done anyth admin work
| as far as scripting goes.

| here is what I need help with I have a spread sheet with a list of emails what I need
| is a dsquery or power shell that will pull
| the following and put in the spread sheet.

| Email Addr.
| Full Name
| EmpID
| Status

| can this be done ?

| Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
| Composite UI Pattern and RAD Development for Data Entry Applications, Part 1
| http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/a119aebe-7478-4aaa-b415-12786ec5cf90/
| composite-ui-pattern-and-rad-development-for-data-entry-applications-part-1.aspx

Anything can be obtained that is an object in Active Directory.

However, you are using EggHead cafe which is a PITA leech of the Usenet Group;

If you are serious about this DROP that usenet leech an use a News Client (such as Outlook
Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc) and use a news service provider, free or piad-for and
access this Microsoft Scripting group; microsoft.public.windows.server.scripting

Free news server Example:
Multi-AV - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp