CSVDE filter
(too old to reply)
Fat Frog
2010-01-19 17:06:28 UTC

I use csvde.exe to query Active Directory user's first name, last name,
logon name. The result gives me 2000 entries of all users in the domain, but
I only need less than 100 of them that were created since, say, last month.
I am wondering how I would put a filter on the -L of CSVDE.

I run it like this:
csvde -d "ou=DomainUsers,DC=domain,DC=org" -r objectClass=user -L

The query result listed under the LDAP label of whenCreated is in the format
of 20100112172907.0Z ("2010-01-12 17:29:07 0Z could be time zone

It doesn't matter to filter according to the value of numbers or the past
dates, I just need the result that only contains the newly added active
directory users.

Thanks and regards.
Richard Mueller [MVP]
2010-01-19 17:59:26 UTC
Post by Fat Frog
I use csvde.exe to query Active Directory user's first name, last name,
logon name. The result gives me 2000 entries of all users in the domain,
but I only need less than 100 of them that were created since, say, last
month. I am wondering how I would put a filter on the -L of CSVDE.
csvde -d "ou=DomainUsers,DC=domain,DC=org" -r objectClass=user -L
The query result listed under the LDAP label of whenCreated is in the
format of 20100112172907.0Z ("2010-01-12 17:29:07 0Z could be time zone
It doesn't matter to filter according to the value of numbers or the past
dates, I just need the result that only contains the newly added active
directory users.
Thanks and regards.
You can include a whenCreated clause in your filter. For example (watch line

csvde -d "ou=DomainUsers,DC=domain,DC=org" -r
-L "sAMAccountName,givenName,sn,whenCreated" -f report.csv

The form of the clause is:


I believe the ">" operator is not supported, so use ">=". I added the
objectCategory clause to eliminate computer objects (which also are class
user). The ".0Z" will be UTC (what used to be called GMT).
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Fat Frog
2010-01-19 18:48:59 UTC
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Fat Frog
I use csvde.exe to query Active Directory user's first name, last name,
logon name. The result gives me 2000 entries of all users in the domain,
but I only need less than 100 of them that were created since, say, last
month. I am wondering how I would put a filter on the -L of CSVDE.
csvde -d "ou=DomainUsers,DC=domain,DC=org" -r objectClass=user -L
The query result listed under the LDAP label of whenCreated is in the
format of 20100112172907.0Z ("2010-01-12 17:29:07 0Z could be time zone
It doesn't matter to filter according to the value of numbers or the past
dates, I just need the result that only contains the newly added active
directory users.
Thanks and regards.
You can include a whenCreated clause in your filter. For example (watch
csvde -d "ou=DomainUsers,DC=domain,DC=org" -r
-L "sAMAccountName,givenName,sn,whenCreated" -f report.csv
I believe the ">" operator is not supported, so use ">=". I added the
objectCategory clause to eliminate computer objects (which also are class
user). The ".0Z" will be UTC (what used to be called GMT).
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Thank you so much! The result is exactly what I am looking for.
