OU Creation Scripts active directory
(too old to reply)
Ganesan Kuppuswamy
2011-04-14 11:26:57 UTC
Dear Team,

I have posted a article, how to create a OU in active
directory through vb script with a video example. rate the article..


To Subscribe My blog,


Thanks and Regards,

Ganesan K
Al Dunbar
2011-04-14 22:00:30 UTC
not very instructive - what's the point?
Post by Ganesan Kuppuswamy
Dear Team,
I have posted a article, how to create a OU in active
directory through vb script with a video example. rate the article..
To Subscribe My blog,
Thanks and Regards,
Ganesan K
David H. Lipman
2011-04-15 03:18:26 UTC
Post by Al Dunbar
not very instructive - what's the point?
Just a Google Grouper trying to increase Blog hits for click revenue.
Multi-AV Scanning Tool - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
Ganesan Kuppuswamy
2011-04-15 10:44:29 UTC
Post by David H. Lipman
Post by Al Dunbar
not very instructive - what's the point?
Just a Google Grouper trying to increase Blog hits for click revenue.
Multi-AV Scanning Tool -http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
Hi Lipman,

My aim is only to tell the different things to all, not
revenue... anyway thanks for your comments
David H. Lipman
2011-04-15 21:46:11 UTC
Post by Ganesan Kuppuswamy
Post by David H. Lipman
Post by Al Dunbar
not very instructive - what's the point?
Just a Google Grouper trying to increase Blog hits for click revenue.
Multi-AV Scanning Tool -http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
Hi Lipman,
My aim is only to tell the different things to all, not
revenue... anyway thanks for your comments
Then you don't need that Amazon sh!t do 'ya!

Don't tell me the below simple snippet is the best you can do and you have to blog it ?

Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=test, DC=com")
Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", "OU=North_Bay")

In other words... If someone ASKS for the information then provide it.
Don't spam it !
Multi-AV Scanning Tool - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
Al Dunbar
2011-04-15 23:36:35 UTC
Post by David H. Lipman
Post by Ganesan Kuppuswamy
Post by David H. Lipman
Post by Al Dunbar
not very instructive - what's the point?
Just a Google Grouper trying to increase Blog hits for click revenue.
Multi-AV Scanning Tool -http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
Hi Lipman,
My aim is only to tell the different things to all, not
revenue... anyway thanks for your comments
Then you don't need that Amazon sh!t do 'ya!
Don't tell me the below simple snippet is the best you can do and you have to blog it ?
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=test, DC=com")
Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", "OU=North_Bay")
In other words... If someone ASKS for the information then provide it.
Don't spam it !
I agree. But blogging is one thing. Posting a video of you typing (with
mistakes and corrections, yet)... can't he see how non-interesting that is?

