Need Script to change The Password
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2009-09-21 16:23:42 UTC
Hi Forum,

Need Help In changing the password as per Below Scenario,

I Have created a domain user account with name "test" and i hav
created another user account "test" in the local computer. Now i need
script which will change the password of local computer user accoun
when ever the domain user account password gets changed & i need thi
script to run through group policy.

Please Help on the above query.

Thanks in Advanc

irsh19's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/123384.ht
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/server-scripting/1249374.ht

Al Dunbar
2009-09-21 23:38:34 UTC
Post by irsh19
Hi Forum,
Need Help In changing the password as per Below Scenario,
I Have created a domain user account with name "test" and i have
created another user account "test" in the local computer. Now i need a
script which will change the password of local computer user account
when ever the domain user account password gets changed & i need this
script to run through group policy.
I don't believe this to be possible for a number of reasons.

The script would need to be run by an account that was privileged enough to
be able to:

- set the password on the local account. - fairly simple, could be a domain
- find out when domain account's password has been changed. - would need
sufficient domain privs to access the password last set attribute.
- find out what the password of the domain account is.

The last one is the issue - I do not know how to write a script that I can
run on my own account to tell me what my password is. And that is a good

Alternately, you could implement a script that accepts a new password and
applies it to the domain and the local account. Not a good idea, though, as
the script could possibly be hacked to save that password somewhere...

