Batch Script to parse lines in text file
(too old to reply)
2009-01-23 15:00:29 UTC

I'm trying to write a batch script that performs actions on each value
within a text file. The text file (myfile.txt) contains a string
similar to:


My goal is to have a for loop that perfoms a set of actions on each of
these values individually. So just trying to get it to echo these
variables, I'm able to get it to echo either the first value in the
string or just the entire line. So I'm trying something like:

for /f "tokens=1 delims=\" %%i in (myfile.txt) do echo %%i

Now I'm sure I could add separate tokens and echo statements for %j %k
%l and %m, but this just won't work for me in the long run as the
number of values in myfile.txt can be anywhere between 1 and 1000
values. If anyone can help me figure this out, I would greatly
appreciate it.

Tom Lavedas
2009-01-23 16:34:36 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
I'm trying to write a batch script that performs actions on each value
within a text file. The text file (myfile.txt) contains a string
My goal is to have a for loop that perfoms a set of actions on each of
these values individually. So just trying to get it to echo these
variables, I'm able to get it to echo either the first value in the
for /f "tokens=1 delims=\" %%i in (myfile.txt) do echo %%i
Now I'm sure I could add separate tokens and echo statements for %j %k
%l and %m, but this just won't work for me in the long run as the
number of values in myfile.txt can be anywhere between 1 and 1000
values. If anyone can help me figure this out, I would greatly
appreciate it.
It's a lot easier to do this in a WSH script, but since you seem
comfortable in batch try this hybrid script ...

@echo off
echo wsh.echo Replace(wsh.stdin.readall, "\", vbnewline) > %temp%
cscript //nologo %temp%\tmp.vbs < myfile.txt > outfile.txt
del %temp%\tmp.vbs


Tom Lavedas
2009-01-23 17:37:31 UTC
Post by Tom Lavedas
It's a lot easier to do this in a WSH script, but since you seem
comfortable in batch try this hybrid script ...
  echo wsh.echo Replace(wsh.stdin.readall, "\", vbnewline) > %temp%
  cscript //nologo  %temp%\tmp.vbs < myfile.txt > outfile.txt
  del %temp%\tmp.vbs
Tom Lavedas
***********http://there.is.no.more/tglbatch/- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I'm not opposed to using WSH...I just don't know WSH. This wsh script
providded doesn't appear to get me what I need...this spits out my
text in a different formatted text file, which isn't what I'm looking

My ultimate goal is to query a registry key, which lists GUID values
of other registry keys and then take this list of GUIDs and translate
these into "friendly" names. I'm querying a key in the registy for the
"Contains" value, which lists several GUIDs...Here's my script:

rem HKLM\Software\Company\Group\GUID\Contains REG_MULTI_SZ GUID1 GUID2

for /f "tokens=3 skip=2 delims=\ " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\Software
\Company\Group\GUID /v Contains') do set guidlist=%%i
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Version') do set version=%%d
echo %frienlyname% %version%

This works fine collecting the first GUID value in this group, but I
can't figure out how to loop this to call the other 100+ values in
this "Contains" key. I figured I'd try writing these GUIDs out to a
temp file and then loop thru this file, but I'm getting the same
result...only calls the first value in the file and won't loop to the
2nd+ value.
Al Dunbar
2009-01-23 19:12:04 UTC
Post by Tom Lavedas
It's a lot easier to do this in a WSH script, but since you seem
comfortable in batch try this hybrid script ...
@echo off
echo wsh.echo Replace(wsh.stdin.readall, "\", vbnewline) > %temp%
cscript //nologo %temp%\tmp.vbs < myfile.txt > outfile.txt
del %temp%\tmp.vbs
Tom Lavedas
***********http://there.is.no.more/tglbatch/- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I'm not opposed to using WSH...I just don't know WSH. This wsh script
providded doesn't appear to get me what I need...this spits out my
text in a different formatted text file, which isn't what I'm looking

===> Your only stated requirement was to "perform a set of actions on each
of these values individually". Tom illustrated one example, leaving the
specific details up to you to code according to the specs you had not yet

My ultimate goal is to query a registry key, which lists GUID values
of other registry keys and then take this list of GUIDs and translate
these into "friendly" names. I'm querying a key in the registy for the
"Contains" value, which lists several GUIDs...Here's my script:

rem HKLM\Software\Company\Group\GUID\Contains REG_MULTI_SZ GUID1 GUID2

for /f "tokens=3 skip=2 delims=\ " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\Software
\Company\Group\GUID /v Contains') do set guidlist=%%i
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Version') do set version=%%d
echo %frienlyname% %version%

This works fine collecting the first GUID value in this group, but I
can't figure out how to loop this to call the other 100+ values in
this "Contains" key. I figured I'd try writing these GUIDs out to a
temp file and then loop thru this file, but I'm getting the same
result...only calls the first value in the file and won't loop to the
2nd+ value.

===> Here is another partial solution, but I hope it will help you
successfully get around the FOR command token limits:

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"

rem get the list of "/"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f %%X in (ZZ.TXT) do (set _zz=%%X)

rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz=%_zz:/= %)

rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%
pause & goto:eof


set/a _c = 0

if "%1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1
echo/processing item !_c!: %1

The zz.txt file contains a single line with text strings separated by "/"
characters. In my test this file was about 5800 bytes in size and contained
455 items, and each was displayed accurately.

2009-01-23 20:35:14 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
I'm not opposed to using WSH...I just don't know WSH. This wsh script
providded doesn't appear to get me what I need...this spits out my
text in a different formatted text file, which isn't what I'm looking
===> Your only stated requirement was to "perform a set of actions on each
of these values individually". Tom illustrated one example, leaving the
specific details up to you to code according to the specs you had not yet
My ultimate goal is to query a registry key, which lists GUID values
of other registry keys and then take this list of GUIDs and translate
these into "friendly" names. I'm querying a key in the registy for the
rem HKLM\Software\Company\Group\GUID\Contains REG_MULTI_SZ GUID1 GUID2
for /f "tokens=3 skip=2 delims=\ " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\Software
\Company\Group\GUID /v Contains') do set guidlist=%%i
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Version') do set version=%%d
echo    %frienlyname% %version%
This works fine collecting the first GUID value in this group, but I
can't figure out how to loop this to call the other 100+ values in
this "Contains" key. I figured I'd try writing these GUIDs out to a
temp file and then loop thru this file, but I'm getting the same
result...only calls the first value in the file and won't loop to the
2nd+ value.
===> Here is another partial solution, but I hope it will help you
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    pushd "%~DP0"
    rem get the list of "/"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
    for /f %%X in (ZZ.TXT) do (set _zz=%%X)
    rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
    (set _zz=%_zz:/= %)
    rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
    call:process %_zz%
    pause & goto:eof
    set/a _c = 0
    if "%1" NEQ "" (
        set/a _c += 1
        echo/processing item !_c!: %1
The zz.txt file contains a single line with text strings separated by "/"
characters. In my test this file was about 5800 bytes in size and contained
455 items, and each was displayed accurately.
This is perfect. Thank you very much!
Al Dunbar
2009-01-23 22:14:41 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
I'm not opposed to using WSH...I just don't know WSH. This wsh script
providded doesn't appear to get me what I need...this spits out my
text in a different formatted text file, which isn't what I'm looking
===> Your only stated requirement was to "perform a set of actions on each
of these values individually". Tom illustrated one example, leaving the
specific details up to you to code according to the specs you had not yet
My ultimate goal is to query a registry key, which lists GUID values
of other registry keys and then take this list of GUIDs and translate
these into "friendly" names. I'm querying a key in the registy for the
rem HKLM\Software\Company\Group\GUID\Contains REG_MULTI_SZ GUID1 GUID2
for /f "tokens=3 skip=2 delims=\ " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\Software
\Company\Group\GUID /v Contains') do set guidlist=%%i
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\
%guidlist% /v Version') do set version=%%d
echo %frienlyname% %version%
This works fine collecting the first GUID value in this group, but I
can't figure out how to loop this to call the other 100+ values in
this "Contains" key. I figured I'd try writing these GUIDs out to a
temp file and then loop thru this file, but I'm getting the same
result...only calls the first value in the file and won't loop to the
2nd+ value.
===> Here is another partial solution, but I hope it will help you
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"
rem get the list of "/"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f %%X in (ZZ.TXT) do (set _zz=%%X)
rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz=%_zz:/= %)
rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%
pause & goto:eof
set/a _c = 0
if "%1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1
echo/processing item !_c!: %1
The zz.txt file contains a single line with text strings separated by "/"
characters. In my test this file was about 5800 bytes in size and contained
455 items, and each was displayed accurately.
This is perfect. Thank you very much!

===> You're welcome.

I forgot to mention that this assumes that none of the "items" contain any
embedded whitespace. In the event that some do, below is a modification of
the method that will take care of that in most simple cases. Note the use of
the <delims=> keyword in the FOR command, the change to the set command that
does the textual substitution (it now replaces </> with <" ">), and the use
of <%~1> in the internal routine, which strips the leading and trailing
double-quotes from the parameter.

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"

rem get the list of "/"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f "delims=" %%X in (zz.txt) do (set _zz=%%X)
set _

rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz="%_zz:/=" "%")
set _

rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%
pause & goto:eof


set/a _c = 0

if "%~1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1
echo/processing item !_c!: [%~1]

2009-01-27 15:12:15 UTC
Ok, this is "almost" working...I'm just having an issue trying to find
the last piece. I'm using your example, but the processloop isn't
echoing the results quite right. So here's what I am doing:

I've got a file named MyFile.txt which contains:


My script contains the following:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"

rem get the list of "\"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f %%X in (MyFile.txt) do set _zz=%%X

rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz=%_zz:\0= %)

rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%



set/a _c = 0

if "%1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1

for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Version') do set version=%%d

echo %frienlyname% %version%


My results of my echo are a little bit off. Seems like the first time
thru the loop, it isn't echoing the values of %frienlyname% %version
%...instead, it is just giving:

"ECHO is off."

Then it loops thru the rest of my file, skipping the last entry. Seems
like the "set" inside the "if" loop doesn't take effect until the next
run thru the loop. How do I make the "do set %frienlyname% %version%"
values take effect immediately and echo these values in this loop?

Thanks for the help.
Al Dunbar
2009-01-27 22:51:25 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Ok, this is "almost" working...I'm just having an issue trying to find
the last piece. I'm using your example, but the processloop isn't
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"
rem get the list of "\"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f %%X in (MyFile.txt) do set _zz=%%X
rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz=%_zz:\0= %)
rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%
set/a _c = 0
if "%1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Version') do set version=%%d
echo %frienlyname% %version%
My results of my echo are a little bit off. Seems like the first time
thru the loop, it isn't echoing the values of %frienlyname% %version
Please review my first reply, and note that in my example, I used "!"
instead of "%" to emit the current value of a variable. A sequence of
commands contained within parentheses is called a compound command. Before
the first command is executed, all instances of %variable% references are
expanded to the values the variables have when the compound command is first

Try this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
(set _V=000)
for %%F in (AA BB CC) do (
(set _V=%%F)
echo/%%F us %_V%? or is it !_V!?
Post by j***@gmail.com
"ECHO is off."
Then it loops thru the rest of my file, skipping the last entry. Seems
like the "set" inside the "if" loop doesn't take effect until the next
run thru the loop. How do I make the "do set %frienlyname% %version%"
values take effect immediately and echo these values in this loop?
use !frienlyname! !version! instead.

2009-01-27 23:08:33 UTC
Post by Al Dunbar
Post by j***@gmail.com
Ok, this is "almost" working...I'm just having an issue trying to find
the last piece. I'm using your example, but the processloop isn't
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~DP0"
rem get the list of "\"-delimited items from a file into a variable...
for /f %%X in (MyFile.txt) do set _zz=%%X
rem convert the "/" delimiters to blank characters
(set _zz=%_zz:\0= %)
rem pass the list of items to an internal subroutine
call:process %_zz%
set/a _c = 0
if "%1" NEQ "" (
set/a _c += 1
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Name') do set friendlyname=%%b
for /f "tokens=2* skip=1" %%c in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Company\%1 /
v Version') do set version=%%d
echo    %frienlyname% %version%
My results of my echo are a little bit off. Seems like the first time
thru the loop, it isn't echoing the values of %frienlyname% %version
Please review my first reply, and note that in my example, I used "!"
instead of "%" to emit the current value of a variable. A sequence of
commands contained within parentheses is called a compound command. Before
the first command is executed, all instances of %variable% references are
expanded to the values the variables have when the compound command is first
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    (set _V=000)
    for %%F in (AA BB CC) do (
        (set _V=%%F)
    echo/%%F us %_V%? or is it !_V!?
Post by j***@gmail.com
"ECHO is off."
Then it loops thru the rest of my file, skipping the last entry. Seems
like the "set" inside the "if" loop doesn't take effect until the next
run thru the loop. How do I make the "do set %frienlyname% %version%"
values take effect immediately and echo these values in this loop?
use !frienlyname! !version! instead.
/Al- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You know, I swear that I had tested that previously and I thought it
gave me a different result...I guess not. Thanks again for the help!
2013-03-31 01:28:26 UTC
What if you wanted to do the same thing, but make paragraph breaks my delimiter?
Post by j***@gmail.com
I'm trying to write a batch script that performs actions on each value
within a text file. The text file (myfile.txt) contains a string
My goal is to have a for loop that perfoms a set of actions on each of
these values individually. So just trying to get it to echo these
variables, I'm able to get it to echo either the first value in the
for /f "tokens=1 delims=\" %%i in (myfile.txt) do echo %%i
Now I'm sure I could add separate tokens and echo statements for %j %k
%l and %m, but this just won't work for me in the long run as the
number of values in myfile.txt can be anywhere between 1 and 1000
values. If anyone can help me figure this out, I would greatly
appreciate it.