proxy server
(too old to reply)
2005-05-13 20:22:12 UTC

Every time i put my laptop on at work, it defaults to the proxy server. AD

When i get home and access my wireless lan i have to disable the proxy.

Is there a script to disable it?


Michael Harris (MVP)
2005-05-14 00:46:26 UTC
Post by peter
Every time i put my laptop on at work, it defaults to the proxy
server. AD network.
When i get home and access my wireless lan i have to disable the proxy.
Is there a script to disable it?
set shell = createobject("wscript.shell")
key = _
& "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\" _
& "Internet Settings\ProxyEnable"
if MsgBox("Disable Proxy server?",vbYesNo) = vbYes then
shell.regwrite key,CLng(0), "REG_DWORD"
shell.regwrite key,CLng(1), "REG_DWORD"
end if
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
2005-05-17 01:40:28 UTC

How do you set the Proxy for every user on a computer?
(I do not wish to use a GPO)

I want to set the Proxy Server = ***@mycompany.com Port 80
Use same proxy for all protocols.
Ignore proxy for Local stuff


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Post by Michael Harris (MVP)
Post by peter
Every time i put my laptop on at work, it defaults to the proxy
server. AD network.
When i get home and access my wireless lan i have to disable the proxy.
Is there a script to disable it?
set shell = createobject("wscript.shell")
key = _
& "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\" _
& "Internet Settings\ProxyEnable"
if MsgBox("Disable Proxy server?",vbYesNo) = vbYes then
shell.regwrite key,CLng(0), "REG_DWORD"
shell.regwrite key,CLng(1), "REG_DWORD"
end if
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
Michael Harris (MVP)
2005-05-17 03:58:48 UTC
Post by Mike
How do you set the Proxy for every user on a computer?
(I do not wish to use a GPO)
Use same proxy for all protocols.
Ignore proxy for Local stuff
How to Configure Client Proxy Server Settings by Using a Registry File

From a logon script, you can use WshShell.Run to execute "regsvr32 /s ""path
to\myproxy.reg""" or do the equivalent with WsgShell.RegWrite.
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
2005-05-17 18:06:08 UTC
I have tried this and it does nothing.

regsvr32 /s ""H:\Files\VBS\proxy.reg""

Here is the Proxy.reg file;


Post by Michael Harris (MVP)
Post by Mike
How do you set the Proxy for every user on a computer?
(I do not wish to use a GPO)
Use same proxy for all protocols.
Ignore proxy for Local stuff
How to Configure Client Proxy Server Settings by Using a Registry File
From a logon script, you can use WshShell.Run to execute "regsvr32 /s ""path
to\myproxy.reg""" or do the equivalent with WsgShell.RegWrite.
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
Torgeir Bakken (MVP)
2005-05-17 19:13:15 UTC
Post by MFelkins
I have tried this and it does nothing.
regsvr32 /s ""H:\Files\VBS\proxy.reg""

I would think Michael really meant

regedit.exe /s
torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
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the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
Michael Harris (MVP)
2005-05-17 23:57:25 UTC
Post by Torgeir Bakken (MVP)
I would think Michael really meant
regedit.exe /s
duh ;-)...
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
2005-05-18 16:39:18 UTC
Well, either way IE ignores it. What am I missing here?

Post by Michael Harris (MVP)
Post by Torgeir Bakken (MVP)
I would think Michael really meant
regedit.exe /s
duh ;-)...
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
Michael Harris (MVP)
2005-05-19 00:16:01 UTC
Post by MFelkins
Well, either way IE ignores it. What am I missing here?
Have you checked the registry to see if the changes were imported?

Do you check the exitcode from regedit when you do the WshShell.Run call
(you need to call Run as a function with the bWaitForExit option)?

Are all IE instances closed at the time (direct registry updates do not
affect open IE instances)?
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
2014-08-25 23:08:51 UTC
Post by Michael Harris (MVP)
Post by peter
Every time i put my laptop on at work, it defaults to the proxy
server. AD network.
When i get home and access my wireless lan i have to disable the proxy.
Is there a script to disable it?
set shell = createobject("wscript.shell")
key = _
& "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\" _
& "Internet Settings\ProxyEnable"
if MsgBox("Disable Proxy server?",vbYesNo) = vbYes then
shell.regwrite key,CLng(0), "REG_DWORD"
shell.regwrite key,CLng(1), "REG_DWORD"
end if
Michael Harris
Microsoft MVP Scripting
Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread.
Good Afternoon from New Mexico,

Here is a what if situation lets say the Lan settings us a proxy address for the local network and the vpn connection settings under ie use another proxy address, How can i ensure that both proxies are configured in the settings and are maintained. We have noticed that switching on an off the proxy will dump out the setting for the proxy under IE's dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings.

Thanks in advance
