DC - AC power plane switching.
(too old to reply)
Andrzej W.
2010-01-25 08:39:51 UTC

How to activate DC power plan on desktop computer without a battery and
how to switch between AC and DC power plane?
Best regards,
Pegasus [MVP]
2010-01-25 10:55:42 UTC
Post by Andrzej W.
How to activate DC power plan on desktop computer without a battery and
how to switch between AC and DC power plane?
Best regards,
Is this an electrical or a scripting question? If it is a scripting question
then please elaborate.
Andrzej W.
2010-01-25 18:54:22 UTC
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Andrzej W.
How to activate DC power plan on desktop computer without a battery
and how to switch between AC and DC power plane?
Is this an electrical or a scripting question? If it is a scripting
question then please elaborate.
Sorry for my English...

I would like to convince a Windows (server 2008) that it work on DC
power not AC.
Switching from AC to DC stops automatically selected programs started
from task scheduler and hold down some programs which support power
If I can't switch power plane from AC to DC I have to stop each of this
program separately.
Best regards,
Pegasus [MVP]
2010-01-25 21:03:55 UTC
Post by Andrzej W.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Andrzej W.
How to activate DC power plan on desktop computer without a battery
and how to switch between AC and DC power plane?
Is this an electrical or a scripting question? If it is a scripting
question then please elaborate.
Sorry for my English...
I would like to convince a Windows (server 2008) that it work on DC power
not AC.
Switching from AC to DC stops automatically selected programs started from
task scheduler and hold down some programs which support power management.
If I can't switch power plane from AC to DC I have to stop each of this
program separately.
Best regards,
I do not know if Server 2008 has a facility to switch between mains and
battery power under software control. If it has then it would be included in
WMI. The following WMI script does the opposite: It tells you if a machine
runs on mains or battery power.

Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set cItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery",,48)
For Each oItem in cItems
if oItem.BatteryStatus = 1 then
wscript.echo "Server runs on battery power"
wscript.echo "Server runs on mains power"
end if
