Create From 1 user example - 15 users and more
(too old to reply)
2009-12-04 10:28:37 UTC
I want to create a script that copy for example user : Daniel James
and on this user example it will create 15 users with password that
they need to change at next logon + it will create the users in the Same
ou where is Daniel James is, with mailbox and Membership of Daniel
James Description etc..... and for each user i can write his First
Name+Last name and Display Name

how can i do it ?
b00gie's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/160703.htm
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/server-scripting/1278529.htm

Richard Mueller [MVP]
2009-12-04 16:18:25 UTC
Post by b00gie
I want to create a script that copy for example user : Daniel James
and on this user example it will create 15 users with password that
they need to change at next logon + it will create the users in the Same
ou where is Daniel James is, with mailbox and Membership of Daniel
James Description etc..... and for each user i can write his First
Name+Last name and Display Name
how can i do it ?
I have an example VBScript program that creates user objects in bulk from
the information in an Excel spreadsheet linked here:


You should be able to revise this for your needs. It is easier to copy rows
in a spreadsheet, then to copy object attributes.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
2009-12-04 20:18:39 UTC
Hey Richard =]
i know that program i was in your site yesterday and i played with thi
script very nice tool !!

but i cant create an email with that and i cant add user to 5 groups o
more ! only 1 group i dont know why !

and again i need to copy a user not to create a new one is it possibl
because in my company we have a lot of groups and it's not comfortable
to add 15 groups for each user ! + to pass one by one and create a
email box

please help m

b00gie's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/160703.ht
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/server-scripting/1278529.ht

