Performance Alert won't execute .bat file
(too old to reply)
Daniel Mazur
2009-09-15 10:30:46 UTC
Performance Alert Issue

I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want to
use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail. So, in
the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured is able to
"send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a pop up message
that works just fine. However, now I want to use the option "run this
program" to activate the .bat file I created so a message from the alert can
be sent to my blackberry. When I input the path to the .bat, it attempts to
execute the .bat but fails. In the event viewer I get a warning message
from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to execute command for the alert. The alert
will continue as scheduled. The error code returned is in the data".

Anyone know what I need do?


Pegasus [MVP]
2009-09-15 11:41:38 UTC
Post by Daniel Mazur
Performance Alert Issue
I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want to
use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail. So, in
the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured is able to
"send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a pop up message
that works just fine. However, now I want to use the option "run this
program" to activate the .bat file I created so a message from the alert
can be sent to my blackberry. When I input the path to the .bat, it
attempts to execute the .bat but fails. In the event viewer I get a
warning message from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to execute command for the
alert. The alert will continue as scheduled. The error code returned is
in the data".
Anyone know what I need do?
Some questions:
- Where did you put the batch file?
- How did you reference it in the Performance Monitor?
- What is the contents of the batch file?
- Why do you cross-post a batch file question to scripting newsgroups?
Daniel Mazur
2009-09-15 21:33:20 UTC

To answer your questions;

1. The batch file is located in a folder I created on the root of C:\. Not
quite sure if that's what you're asking for.
2. Can't tell what you mean by reference the file. I put the path in "run
this program" as mentioned in my post.
3. The content of the batch file is a BLAT string that properly sends an
email to my blackberry by means other than Alerts (simple double click), as
stated below. Maybe you are asking for the script? Can't be sure what you
want here.
4. I posted my message as suggested by another MVP. This was said to be the
proper way, so the message may not be overlooked in areas of it's subject
which at times is difficult to determine. Is there a problem here? Am I
overlooking something?

I did find an answer already to my question. It was necessary to use a
"command line argument" with the .bat. Once I selected "single arguement
string", it worked perfectly. If you are familiar with performance alerts,
I'm certain you know what I'm talking about.

Thanks for your quick response.

Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Daniel Mazur
Performance Alert Issue
I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want
to use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail. So,
in the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured is able
to "send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a pop up
message that works just fine. However, now I want to use the option "run
this program" to activate the .bat file I created so a message from the
alert can be sent to my blackberry. When I input the path to the .bat,
it attempts to execute the .bat but fails. In the event viewer I get a
warning message from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to execute command for
the alert. The alert will continue as scheduled. The error code
returned is in the data".
Anyone know what I need do?
- Where did you put the batch file?
- How did you reference it in the Performance Monitor?
- What is the contents of the batch file?
- Why do you cross-post a batch file question to scripting newsgroups?
2009-09-15 21:39:33 UTC
Unless this is an SBS 2003 box you've included at least one "wrong"
newsgroup to post to.
Post by Daniel Mazur
To answer your questions;
1. The batch file is located in a folder I created on the root of C:\.
Not quite sure if that's what you're asking for.
2. Can't tell what you mean by reference the file. I put the path in "run
this program" as mentioned in my post.
3. The content of the batch file is a BLAT string that properly sends an
email to my blackberry by means other than Alerts (simple double click),
as stated below. Maybe you are asking for the script? Can't be sure what
you want here.
4. I posted my message as suggested by another MVP. This was said to be
the proper way, so the message may not be overlooked in areas of it's
subject which at times is difficult to determine. Is there a problem here?
Am I overlooking something?
I did find an answer already to my question. It was necessary to use a
"command line argument" with the .bat. Once I selected "single arguement
string", it worked perfectly. If you are familiar with performance
alerts, I'm certain you know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for your quick response.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Daniel Mazur
Performance Alert Issue
I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want
to use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail.
So, in the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured is
able to "send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a pop
up message that works just fine. However, now I want to use the option
"run this program" to activate the .bat file I created so a message from
the alert can be sent to my blackberry. When I input the path to the
.bat, it attempts to execute the .bat but fails. In the event viewer I
get a warning message from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to execute command
for the alert. The alert will continue as scheduled. The error code
returned is in the data".
Anyone know what I need do?
- Where did you put the batch file?
- How did you reference it in the Performance Monitor?
- What is the contents of the batch file?
- Why do you cross-post a batch file question to scripting newsgroups?
Daniel Mazur
2009-09-16 11:59:21 UTC
Hi Steve. No, it's not SBS. However, I've read other messages about
posting to variours groups. I'll not be so libral with my postings next


Post by SteveB
Unless this is an SBS 2003 box you've included at least one "wrong"
newsgroup to post to.
Post by Daniel Mazur
To answer your questions;
1. The batch file is located in a folder I created on the root of C:\.
Not quite sure if that's what you're asking for.
2. Can't tell what you mean by reference the file. I put the path in
"run this program" as mentioned in my post.
3. The content of the batch file is a BLAT string that properly sends an
email to my blackberry by means other than Alerts (simple double click),
as stated below. Maybe you are asking for the script? Can't be sure what
you want here.
4. I posted my message as suggested by another MVP. This was said to be
the proper way, so the message may not be overlooked in areas of it's
subject which at times is difficult to determine. Is there a problem
here? Am I overlooking something?
I did find an answer already to my question. It was necessary to use a
"command line argument" with the .bat. Once I selected "single arguement
string", it worked perfectly. If you are familiar with performance
alerts, I'm certain you know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for your quick response.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Daniel Mazur
Performance Alert Issue
I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want
to use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail.
So, in the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured
is able to "send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a
pop up message that works just fine. However, now I want to use the
option "run this program" to activate the .bat file I created so a
message from the alert can be sent to my blackberry. When I input the
path to the .bat, it attempts to execute the .bat but fails. In the
event viewer I get a warning message from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to
execute command for the alert. The alert will continue as scheduled.
The error code returned is in the data".
Anyone know what I need do?
- Where did you put the batch file?
- How did you reference it in the Performance Monitor?
- What is the contents of the batch file?
- Why do you cross-post a batch file question to scripting newsgroups?
Pegasus [MVP]
2009-09-15 21:59:00 UTC
Post by Daniel Mazur
To answer your questions;
1. The batch file is located in a folder I created on the root of C:\.
Not quite sure if that's what you're asking for.
2. Can't tell what you mean by reference the file. I put the path in "run
this program" as mentioned in my post.
3. The content of the batch file is a BLAT string that properly sends an
email to my blackberry by means other than Alerts (simple double click),
as stated below. Maybe you are asking for the script? Can't be sure what
you want here.
4. I posted my message as suggested by another MVP. This was said to be
the proper way, so the message may not be overlooked in areas of it's
subject which at times is difficult to determine. Is there a problem here?
Am I overlooking something?
Thanks for the feedback. - The purpose of crossposting is to give you a
greater audience, in particular in cases where your question is relevant to
several newsgroups. It should be used in moderation - the keyword here is
"relevant". Posting in newsgroups that are not relevant to your question
won't win you many friends - it tends to clutter up the newsgroups and it is
a time waster for respondents. If you're concerned that your post might get
overlooked, check the percentage of other posts in the relevant newsgroups.
If you see that most get answered then there is a good chance that yours
will attract an answer too. In your case I would have posted the question in
server.general and server.sbs (if using an SBS). Server.setup is for
problems relating to setting up a server and server.scripting is for VB
Script questions.