up two folders in a batch file
(too old to reply)
Greg Stigers
2009-10-19 17:06:28 UTC
I'm using %~dP0 to identify the path from which a batch file is run. I need
to write a log, up two levels, and then down two folders. And I need to let
the user know exactly where that is.

I can code %~dP0..\..\dir\subdir, but don't expect the user to understand
what that means. I've toyed with a couple of ideas, all kludgy and obtuse.
Is there a way way to do this, that isn't ugly?
Greg Stigers, MCSE
remember to vote for the answers you like
Tom Lavedas
2009-10-19 18:02:31 UTC
Post by Greg Stigers
I'm using %~dP0 to identify the path from which a batch file is run. I need
to write a log, up two levels, and then down two folders. And I need to let
the user know exactly where that is.
I can code %~dP0..\..\dir\subdir, but don't expect the user to understand
what that means. I've toyed with a couple of ideas, all kludgy and obtuse.
Is there a way way to do this, that isn't ugly?
Greg Stigers, MCSE
remember to vote for the answers you like
Have you considered something like this ...

for %%a in ("%~dp0\..") do set folder=%%~dpadir\subdir
echo %folder%
Tom Lavedas
Greg Stigers
2009-10-19 19:43:24 UTC
I know about %~dp0, but not %~dpa. Can you explain that one a bit? Web
searching on ~ is disappointing.
Post by Tom Lavedas
Have you considered something like this ...
for %%a in ("%~dp0\..") do set folder=%%~dpadir\subdir
echo %folder%
Tom Lavedas
Tom Lavedas
2009-10-19 20:04:49 UTC
Post by Greg Stigers
I know about %~dp0, but not %~dpa. Can you explain that one a bit? Web
searching on ~ is disappointing.
Post by Tom Lavedas
Have you considered something like this ...
 for %%a in ("%~dp0\..") do set folder=%%~dpadir\subdir
 echo %folder%
Tom Lavedas
The specific implementation used is based in the FOR statement. The
variable I used was %%a, so the syntax is analogous to that of the
replaceable argument, %0, that you used. For more information, see
the help for FOR (FOR/? at a command prompt).
Tom Lavedas
Al Dunbar
2009-10-20 02:41:11 UTC
Post by Greg Stigers
I'm using %~dP0 to identify the path from which a batch file is run. I
need to write a log, up two levels, and then down two folders. And I need
to let the user know exactly where that is.
I can code %~dP0..\..\dir\subdir, but don't expect the user to understand
what that means. I've toyed with a couple of ideas, all kludgy and obtuse.
Is there a way way to do this, that isn't ugly?
Greg Stigers, MCSE
remember to vote for the answers you like
This should do the trick for you, assuming that the batch file is being run
from a real or mapped drive rather than from a UNC:

pushd %~dP0..\..\dir\subdir
(set logFileFolder=%cd%)
echo/look for the log file here: "%lofFileFolder%"

