WMIC uninstall
(too old to reply)
2010-01-20 04:21:01 UTC
When using WMIC to uninstall AutoDesk software it reports a return value =
1603 and the software hasn't uninstalled. Any ideas why and what this code

When uninstalling from the Control Panel Add\Remove programs it prompts with
a Repair, Change or Uninstall options which you have to select your choice
and choose Next for the uninstall to continue. Could these prompts stop wmic
command from working?
Al Dunbar
2010-01-20 05:52:53 UTC
If that is what the uninstaller executable returns, the question would be
better asked in an autodesk forum.

Post by Scoot
When using WMIC to uninstall AutoDesk software it reports a return value =
1603 and the software hasn't uninstalled. Any ideas why and what this code
When uninstalling from the Control Panel Add\Remove programs it prompts with
a Repair, Change or Uninstall options which you have to select your choice
and choose Next for the uninstall to continue. Could these prompts stop wmic
command from working?