Force to logoff
(too old to reply)
Joe Perez
2009-10-22 01:05:34 UTC

I was hoping some one can help me. I'm try to force users to log off and
stay logged off for a certain period of time after they have been forced to.
Oh yeah... this is under an ACE server. Is this possible?

Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Thank you,
Pegasus [MVP]
2009-10-22 06:09:59 UTC
Post by Joe Perez
I was hoping some one can help me. I'm try to force users to log off and
stay logged off for a certain period of time after they have been forced to.
Oh yeah... this is under an ACE server. Is this possible?
Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Thank you,
If you're talking about a Terminal Server: Use the "logoff" command -
Joe Perez
2009-10-22 18:19:46 UTC
Yeah. i got the log off set up. This is what I want to do next. I have
around 80 computers on a domain in a library. All the computers have 2 hour
time limit. once the time is up, patron are force to log off, but then can
log in with their same account. I want to prevent the same patron from
logging in again if some one who is waiting to use a computer. How can set
this up? Oh yeah, they can log back on after lest say 5 mins on that
particular station.

Your assistance is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Joe Perez
I was hoping some one can help me. I'm try to force users to log off and
stay logged off for a certain period of time after they have been forced to.
Oh yeah... this is under an ACE server. Is this possible?
Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Thank you,
If you're talking about a Terminal Server: Use the "logoff" command -
Pegasus [MVP]
2009-10-22 20:44:10 UTC
Post by Joe Perez
Yeah. i got the log off set up. This is what I want to do next. I have
around 80 computers on a domain in a library. All the computers have 2
hour time limit. once the time is up, patron are force to log off, but
then can log in with their same account. I want to prevent the same patron
from logging in again if some one who is waiting to use a computer. How
can set this up? Oh yeah, they can log back on after lest say 5 mins on
that particular station.
Your assistance is very much appreciated. Thank you!
The description of your requirements is a little vague but AFAIK there is no
facility built into Windows Servers to do this. However, since you're
posting in a scripting newsgroup, it would not take much of a script to do
1. Use the logon script to add two lines of the following form
to these common files:
\\Server\Share\Disable.txt: - JPerez [date+2 hours]
\\Server\Share\Enable.txt: - JPerez [date+24 hours]
2. Create a script that will process each line of the above files:
When the System time is past any time stamp in Disable.txt
then disable that account and remove the entry from
When the System time is past any time stamp in Enable.txt
then enable that account and remove the entry from
3. Create a scheduled task that will invoke the above script
once every 5 minutes.
