stop and start services unattendedly
(too old to reply)
Donald MacKenzie
2009-12-07 23:20:37 UTC
Hello, I have a program that requires these 3 things to happen, I cannot to
it manually everyday because I am not always in the office. it has to be

here is the batch file right now.

net stop server
net start server
net start "computer browser"

How can I automate this so I don't have to enter Y for each?
Pegasus [MVP]
2009-12-07 23:33:36 UTC
Post by Donald MacKenzie
Hello, I have a program that requires these 3 things to happen, I cannot
to it manually everyday because I am not always in the office. it has to
be unattended.
here is the batch file right now.
net stop server
net start server
net start "computer browser"
How can I automate this so I don't have to enter Y for each?
See the replies you received in the vb scripting newsgroup, then have a look
at the link below to see why multiposting causes duplication of effort.
Crossposting is the way to go if you wish to keep up your popularity rating!
Donald MacKenzie
2009-12-08 02:01:56 UTC
also for some reason /y just started to work with the batchfile.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by Donald MacKenzie
Hello, I have a program that requires these 3 things to happen, I cannot
to it manually everyday because I am not always in the office. it has to
be unattended.
here is the batch file right now.
net stop server
net start server
net start "computer browser"
How can I automate this so I don't have to enter Y for each?
See the replies you received in the vb scripting newsgroup, then have a
look at the link below to see why multiposting causes duplication of
effort. Crossposting is the way to go if you wish to keep up your
popularity rating!