Generate usernames from Hostnames.
(too old to reply)
2009-11-13 13:36:01 UTC
Hi ,

I want to generate username from the hostname.
For example if the hostname is "test2345" then username should be "user2345".
"user" should be prefixd to the numbers from the hostname.

where "user" is common for all the servers.

If the hostname is "test0123" it should omit 0 and only take the later part.
It will be something like this then "user234".

Can i achive this from a VBSCript. If yes please let me know how.

Thanks in advance.
Pegasus [MVP]
2009-11-13 13:53:44 UTC
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Hi ,
I want to generate username from the hostname.
For example if the hostname is "test2345" then username should be "user2345".
"user" should be prefixd to the numbers from the hostname.
where "user" is common for all the servers.
If the hostname is "test0123" it should omit 0 and only take the later part.
It will be something like this then "user234".
Can i achive this from a VBSCript. If yes please let me know how.
Thanks in advance.
You need to nail down your requirements in greater detail. According to your
post the following interpretations are possible:
a) Remove the first four characters from the host name and replace it with
the word "user".
b) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
c) Take the last four characters and put the word "user" in front.
d) Take the trailing digits and put the word "user" in front.
e) In all cases suppress the first number if it is a 0.
f) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s except the last one.
g) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
I also wonder about the wisdom of the scheme. If you have two users using
one machine then you would get identical user names . . . Time to put on the
thinking cap!
2009-11-13 15:07:03 UTC
Pefasus your understanding is correct. I cant help you on wisdom of the
scheme. Its is already set here. The admin account on these are set like
this. 200 Machines one common admin password but admin username is derived
from the hostname. with following criteria.
Hostname = file456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
Hostname = file1456
Admin user = user1456
password = common123
Hostname = file0456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
a) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
b)In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.

All are local admins on the servers. Hope this information adds some more

Now I have to run a script from one of these machine which will fetch the
server names from one text file and logon remotely and run a specific command
add the output to one text file. Rest all is done but i am stuck at
generating username from the server name.

Let me know if you need any more info on this.

Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Hi ,
I want to generate username from the hostname.
For example if the hostname is "test2345" then username should be "user2345".
"user" should be prefixd to the numbers from the hostname.
where "user" is common for all the servers.
If the hostname is "test0123" it should omit 0 and only take the later part.
It will be something like this then "user234".
Can i achive this from a VBSCript. If yes please let me know how.
Thanks in advance.
You need to nail down your requirements in greater detail. According to your
a) Remove the first four characters from the host name and replace it with
the word "user".
b) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
c) Take the last four characters and put the word "user" in front.
d) Take the trailing digits and put the word "user" in front.
e) In all cases suppress the first number if it is a 0.
f) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s except the last one.
g) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
I also wonder about the wisdom of the scheme. If you have two users using
one machine then you would get identical user names . . . Time to put on the
thinking cap!
Tom Lavedas
2009-11-13 15:39:49 UTC
On Nov 13, 10:07 am, sudhi_shrivatsa
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Pefasus your understanding is correct. I cant help you on wisdom of the
scheme. Its is already set here.  The admin account on these are set like
this. 200 Machines one common admin password but admin username is derived
from the hostname. with following criteria.
Hostname = file456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
Hostname = file1456
Admin user = user1456
password = common123
Hostname = file0456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
a) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
b)In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
All are local admins on the servers. Hope this information adds some more
Now I have to run a script from one of these machine which will fetch the
server names from one text file and logon remotely and run a specific command
add the output to one text file. Rest all is done but i am stuck at
generating username from the server name.
Let me know if you need any more info on this.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Hi ,
I want to generate username from the hostname.
For example if the hostname is "test2345" then username should be "user2345".
"user" should be prefixd to the numbers from the hostname.
where "user" is common for all the servers.
If the hostname is "test0123" it should omit 0 and only take the later part.
It will be something like this then "user234".
Can i achive this from a VBSCript. If yes please let me know how.
Thanks in advance.
You need to nail down your requirements in greater detail. According to your
a) Remove the first four characters from the host name and replace it with
the word "user".
b) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
c) Take the last four characters and put the word "user" in front.
d) Take the trailing digits and put the word "user" in front.
e) In all cases suppress the first number if it is a 0.
f) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s except the last one.
g) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
I also wonder about the wisdom of the scheme. If you have two users using
one machine then you would get identical user names . . . Time to put on the
thinking cap!
If you are just looking for the string manipulation part of the
problem, a regular expression can be used, something like this (in
VBS) ...

sHostName = "file0123"
' Locate first occurrence of a digit other than zero
nPos = RegExpPos("[1-9]", sHostName)
if nPos > 0 and nPos <= Len(sHostName) then
sUserName = "user" & Mid(sHostName, nPos)
wsh.echo sHostName, "=>", sUserName
wsh.echo "Unable to parse Hostname", sHostName
end if

Function RegExpPos(patrn, strng)
Dim regEx, Match, Matches, RetPos ' Declare variables.
Set regEx = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
regEx.Pattern = patrn ' Set pattern.
regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case insensitivity.
regEx.Global = false ' Set non-global applicability.
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) ' Execute search.
if Matches.count > 0 then
RetPos = Matches(0).FirstIndex + 1
RetPos = 0
end if
RegExpPos = RetPos
End Function

Note that this approach removes all the leading zeros in the numeric
part, not just the first one. That possibility is not mentioned as
part of your description, so I didn't worry about it. To do
otherwise, is noticeably more complex.
Tom Lavedas
2009-11-13 16:23:01 UTC

You are close.
It should only remove the first zero from the numeric part.

Eg. file0123
username = user123
username = user123.
username = user1023.

Hope this is good now.
On Nov 13, 10:07 am, sudhi_shrivatsa
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Pefasus your understanding is correct. I cant help you on wisdom of the
scheme. Its is already set here. The admin account on these are set like
this. 200 Machines one common admin password but admin username is derived
from the hostname. with following criteria.
Hostname = file456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
Hostname = file1456
Admin user = user1456
password = common123
Hostname = file0456
Admin user = user456
password = common123
a) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
b)In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
All are local admins on the servers. Hope this information adds some more
Now I have to run a script from one of these machine which will fetch the
server names from one text file and logon remotely and run a specific command
add the output to one text file. Rest all is done but i am stuck at
generating username from the server name.
Let me know if you need any more info on this.
Post by Pegasus [MVP]
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
Hi ,
I want to generate username from the hostname.
For example if the hostname is "test2345" then username should be "user2345".
"user" should be prefixd to the numbers from the hostname.
where "user" is common for all the servers.
If the hostname is "test0123" it should omit 0 and only take the later part.
It will be something like this then "user234".
Can i achive this from a VBSCript. If yes please let me know how.
Thanks in advance.
You need to nail down your requirements in greater detail. According to your
a) Remove the first four characters from the host name and replace it with
the word "user".
b) Remove all leading non-numeric characters and replace them with the word
c) Take the last four characters and put the word "user" in front.
d) Take the trailing digits and put the word "user" in front.
e) In all cases suppress the first number if it is a 0.
f) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s except the last one.
g) In all cases, suppress all leading 0s.
I also wonder about the wisdom of the scheme. If you have two users using
one machine then you would get identical user names . . . Time to put on the
thinking cap!
If you are just looking for the string manipulation part of the
problem, a regular expression can be used, something like this (in
VBS) ...
sHostName = "file0123"
' Locate first occurrence of a digit other than zero
nPos = RegExpPos("[1-9]", sHostName)
if nPos > 0 and nPos <= Len(sHostName) then
sUserName = "user" & Mid(sHostName, nPos)
wsh.echo sHostName, "=>", sUserName
wsh.echo "Unable to parse Hostname", sHostName
end if
Function RegExpPos(patrn, strng)
Dim regEx, Match, Matches, RetPos ' Declare variables.
Set regEx = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
regEx.Pattern = patrn ' Set pattern.
regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case insensitivity.
regEx.Global = false ' Set non-global applicability.
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) ' Execute search.
if Matches.count > 0 then
RetPos = Matches(0).FirstIndex + 1
RetPos = 0
end if
RegExpPos = RetPos
End Function
Note that this approach removes all the leading zeros in the numeric
part, not just the first one. That possibility is not mentioned as
part of your description, so I didn't worry about it. To do
otherwise, is noticeably more complex.
Tom Lavedas
Tom Lavedas
2009-11-13 16:58:41 UTC
On Nov 13, 11:23 am, sudhi_shrivatsa
Post by sudhi_shrivatsa
You are close.
It should only remove the first zero from the numeric part.
Eg. file0123
username = user123
username = user123.
username = user1023.
Hope this is good now.
OK, so multiple zeros ARE a problem. It turns out the solution was a
lot easier than I first imagined or I might have addressed before.

Try this, instead ...

sHostName = "file00123"
nPos = RegExpPos("\d", sHostName)
if nPos > 0 and nPos <= Len(sHostName) then
sUserName = "user" & Mid(sHostName, nPos)
wsh.echo sHostName, "=>", sUserName
wsh.echo "Unable to parse Hostname", sHostName
end if

Function RegExpPos(patrn, strng)
Dim regEx, Match, Matches, RetPos ' Declare variables.
Set regEx = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
regEx.Pattern = patrn ' Set pattern.
regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case insensitivity.
regEx.Global = false ' Set non-global applicability.
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) ' Execute search.
if Matches.count > 0 then
RetPos = Matches(0).FirstIndex + 1
if Matches(0).Value = "0" then RetPos = RetPos + 1
RetPos = 0
end if
RegExpPos = RetPos
End Function

BTW, the \d pattern is shorthand for [0-9] - match all digits.
Tom Lavedas
