Script to configure a SNMP Service
(too old to reply)
2007-09-20 21:16:01 UTC
I need to find a script to help me, set the SNMP service on more than 300
servers, I need to configure the new settings of the SNMP, (security,
comunity, and so on), thanks.
Floris van Haaster
2007-09-21 07:08:45 UTC
Hi can you change some settings with GPO's.

Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/SNMP
But only:
Permitted Managers
Traps for public community

I know you probably need more settings but wanted to mention it anyway.

Floris van Haaster
Post by Gustavo
I need to find a script to help me, set the SNMP service on more than 300
servers, I need to configure the new settings of the SNMP, (security,
comunity, and so on), thanks.
Lyle Shaff
2010-07-29 23:04:22 UTC
You could configure the service on one server, export the settings to a reg file, and then call that with a scrip on each system.

That is what I just did to configure the SNMP Service as a task in MDT 2010, I do not see why you could not use PSEXEC in conjunction with this.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







SAMPLE SCRIPT FILE - ConfigureSNMPService.bat

net stop "SNMP Service"
regedit /s HKLM-SNMP.reg
net start "SNMP Service"


Gustav wrote:

Script to configure a SNMP Service

I need to find a script to help me, set the SNMP service on more than 30
servers, I need to configure the new settings of the SNMP, (security
comunity, and so on), thanks.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:16 PM
Gustav wrote:

Script to configure a SNMP Service
I need to find a script to help me, set the SNMP service on more than 30
servers, I need to configure the new settings of the SNMP, (security
comunity, and so on), thanks.

On Friday, September 21, 2007 3:08 AM
Floris van Haaster wrote:

Hi can you change some settings with GPO's.
Hi can you change some settings with GPO's

Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/SNM
But only
Permitted Manager
Traps for public communit

I know you probably need more settings but wanted to mention it anyway

Floris van Haaste

"Gustavo" <***@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:3076C521-FDA4-41F2-B51A-***@microsoft.com...

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