Set rights on folders
(too old to reply)
2009-12-01 08:20:24 UTC
I want to make a script that makes 3 folders in the folder the script is
run. (so far no problem)
But one of the folders I want to change the folder security.

Creating folder1, folder2 and folder3
Folder1 everyone, full controll,
Folder2 everyone, full controll,
Folder3 remove everyone and add the group "tecnical"

Fernando L. Roldan
2009-12-04 18:24:47 UTC
Start -> Run -> cmd -> xcacls /?

Good luck :)
Post by Talinc
I want to make a script that makes 3 folders in the folder the script is
run. (so far no problem)
But one of the folders I want to change the folder security.
Creating folder1, folder2 and folder3
Folder1 everyone, full controll,
Folder2 everyone, full controll,
Folder3 remove everyone and add the group "tecnical"