Reading emails from distribution group and extract attachment
(too old to reply)
2010-04-29 16:14:25 UTC

We are using Exchange 2003 as part of sbs 2003 premium.

We have a distribution group abc which receives emails ***@mydomian.com. How
can I retrieve emails from this distribution group and extract any PDF
attachments that may be present using vb.net or another .net language?

Many Thanks

Ace Fekay [MVP - Directory Services, MCT]
2010-04-29 21:28:46 UTC
Post by John
We are using Exchange 2003 as part of sbs 2003 premium.
can I retrieve emails from this distribution group and extract any PDF
attachments that may be present using vb.net or another .net language?
Many Thanks
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Ace Fekay, MVP, MCT, MCITP EA, MCTS Windows 2008 & Exchange 2007, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

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